Petition Update

We’re certain that FCP petitions are being distributed on Lopez, San Juan, and Orcas but we’re not sure that any are being circulated on Shaw. If you are a resident of Shaw, please do what you can to gather signatures and contact Susan Young ( to arrange getting them to Kari at the FCP. Or, if you know anyone who lives on Shaw, please send them a copy of the petition and ask them to collect signatures, then contact Susan.

There are four talking points we need to keep in mind as signatures are being collected. Ferry users are asking the governor and legislature to:

  • Dispense with further cuts in service and take action to refurbish the system so it can efficiently meet the needs of its customers;
  • Provide a permanent source of equitable statewide funding for building vessels;
  • Start building the 144 as soon as possible in 2012 to provide a replacement or backup boat of adequate power and capacity to our aging fleet;
  • Develop a sustainable, long term budget for WSF that caps fares at reasonable rates for ferry customers and which considers the economic and social impacts.

We realize that this is a difficult time of year to do this, but any signatures you can collect or inspire someone else to collect will help. I plan to talk with folks later today when we’re in line for the ferry.

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About sjbrooksyoung

Susan Brooks-Young has been involved in the field of instructional technology since 1979. She was one of the original technology users in the district where she taught and has continued to explore ways in which technology can be used to facilitate student learning. She has worked as computer mentor, technology trainer, and technology curriculum specialist. Prior to establishing her own consulting firm, Susan was a teacher, site administrator, and technology specialist in a county office of education in a career that spanned more than 23 years. Since 1986, she has published articles and software reviews in a variety of education journals. She is also author of a number of books which focus on how school leaders can implement the NETS*A Standards. Susan works with educators internationally, focusing on practical technology-based strategies for personal productivity and effective technology implementation in schools. Susan and her husband live on Lopez Island, WA.

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